Pacific Region Ranking Series
Gnarliness Values for 2002 events
Nik Weber

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Here is a list of course difficulties for those interested. The "Gnarliness Value (GV)" is a
measure of the relative difficulty of each course. See the iteration rules for an in-depth
discussion of the matter, but the basic idea is that you divide your GV by your time in minutes to
get your score on that course. Bigger GV / shorter time = higher score. Pretty simple, huh?

[The blue courses at the Arizona champs have artifactually elevated GVs because most of the competitors were ranked as red runners based on their age groups and other races they ran, and there were not enough blue ranked runners to have an accurate GV. The others should be okay.]

Event # GV Event Description
1 8791 Tahoe Two Day 6-29-02 blue
2 11289 Tahoe Two Day 6-30-02 blue
3 8343 Spooner 8-11-02 blue
4 7693 Pinos 9-7-02 blue/red
5 6949 Pinos 9-8-02 blue/red
6 5953 Laguna 10-5-02 blue
7 8465 Laguna 10-6-02 blue
8 9387 Almaden QOQ 10-26-02 blue
9 7575 Almaden QOQ 10-27-02 blue
10 13631 Arizona Champs 11-16-02 Red/Blue
11 17149 Arizona Champs 11-17-02 Red/Blue

1 6849 Tahoe Two Day 6-29-02 red
2 8048 Tahoe Two Day 6-30-02 red
3 6542 Spooner 8-11-02 red
4 7878 Pinos 9-7-02 blue/red
5 7028 Pinos 9-8-02 blue/red
6 4907 Laguna 10-5-02 red
7 7403 Laguna 10-6-02 red
8 7947 Almaden QOQ 10-26-02 red
9 6736 Almaden QOQ 10-27-02 red
10 7320 Arizona Champs 11-16-02 Red/Blue
11 8734 Arizona Champs 11-17-02 Red/Blue

1 5263 Tahoe Two Day 6-29-02 green
2 7125 Tahoe Two Day 6-30-02 green
3 5355 Spooner 8-11-02 green
4 5354 Pinos 9-7-02 green
5 6804 Pinos 9-8-02 green
6 4632 Laguna 10-5-02 green
7 6596 Almaden QOQ 10-26-02 green
8 5081 Almaden QOQ 10-27-02 green
9 5831 Arizona Champs 11-16-02 Brown/Green
10 5536 Arizona Champs 11-17-02 Brown/Green

1 5768 Tahoe Two Day 6-29-02 brown
2 7592 Tahoe Two Day 6-30-02 brown
3 3861 Spooner 8-11-02 brown
4 5600 Pinos 9-7-02 brown
5 5479 Pinos 9-8-02 brown
6 4344 Laguna 10-5-02 brown
7 4258 Laguna 10-6-02 brown
8 7816 Almaden QOQ 10-26-02 brown
9 5978 Almaden QOQ 10-27-02 brown
10 9917 Arizona Champs 11-16-02 Brown/Green
11 9420 Arizona Champs 11-17-02 Brown/Green